Women at the Tomb leads Personalized Catholic retreats and
Pastoral Ministry Training for:
Parishes that want to grow in engagement and community.
School or parish staff that would like to develop a ministry mindset.
Large groups that are looking for ways to grow in fellowship through their shared love of Christ and His Church.
Youth Ministers or Faith Formation Leaders who would like support in training their volunteers or growing in their own spiritual life.
Faith-filled women who want to grow in intimacy with the Lord.
Jamie Kohler, MA Pastoral Ministry
A disciple of Christ before all, I am also a wife and mother of five, seeking to extend my motherhood to the wider community and use the gifts God has given me to bring Christ to others. Passionate to grow in my own spiritual life, I desire to share that passion with others in hopes that the Holy Spirit will ignite the flame of love within them as well. Seeing others spark is both inspirational and consoling, showing how God is truly living in His people. Everyone should have the opportunity to experience such joy!
Having spent the last 30 years dedicated to building God’s Kingdom through Catholic pastoral ministry, I am now offering my skills and service to the wider Church. I served for 21 years on a parish staff in faith formation and youth ministry, confirmation preparation, women’s ministry, strategic planning, leadership development, mentor training and small group facilitation training, as well as retreat development. During that time I witnessed many people’s resounding yes to God’s call to them, including eight young people enter seminary and religious life. What a gift!
I retired from paid parish ministry last year, and I am currently serving as a volunteer PreK faith formation catechist and a high school mentor. I also tutor middle school and high school youth two days a week. And, I am taking classes working toward a certificate in spiritual direction. I look forward to working with you to create meaningful experiences for retreatants and volunteers alike by offering talks, retreats, and trainings for others who want to lead retreats.
The Approach
The Women at the Tomb were women of hope and charity, full of radiant joy. They we’re excited to share the risen Christ. I strive to be a woman of the risen Christ too, and desire to share that with everyone. We are all called to be Women at the Tomb.
The following values are incorporated into all programming.
Learning how to develop healthy relationships with our friends and family is the best way to spread the Gospel!
Christ is talking with us each day, but we often have too much noise surrounding us to hear. Create an atmosphere conducive to hearing God’s voice.
Teaching others how to share the ways God is working in their life is essential to the life of a disciple.
virtue awareness
Helping people discover their virtues and how they aid in the spiritual journey. The little approaches each day to grow in virtue can make a big difference in how we show Christ to the world.