Through a personalized focus, including development and training, I’ll work alongside your parish to develop an integrated plan to achieve a fully engaged formation ministry team. What path do you want your parish ministry programs to take?
Strategic planning before training can set the tone for your long term parish goals.
Pastoral Ministry Training
Helping catechists understand how to use resources, share their own witness of faith, develop engaging classroom discussions, and target all learning styles for effective catechesis.
Youth Ministry Volunteers
Working with teens effectively requires a vulnerability that is tempered with prudence. Training, in a retreat atmosphere, we will cover sharing our story of faith, leading small groups, effective non-gathered dialogue with youth, prayer life of the mentor, and more.
Parish Staff
Helping facilitate a healthy staff dialogue through personal prayer, team building activities, growth in self knowledge and affirmation of team member strengths, and conflict resolution exercises.,
Coaching on implementing large gathered events also avaliable.
Several workshops that can be tailored for either parish staff or volunteers in faith formation to choose from: Accompaniment, Engaging Parents, Sharing Your Story, Small Group Management, Collaborative Ministry, Event Planning, Hospitality and Environment, and Timelines and Marketing.
3 Hours
A combination of workshops and prayer experiences to help participants draw out their own why of ministry. Personalized for each community, the day will be built out during an initial consultation.
6-8 hours